
If you are a peer mentor using the app

androidclick here to install the app (android only)

Steps for Android Phones (not available for iOS)

1.  Ask for your user-name and temporary password from the admin
2.  Login to your account from the web panel
3.  Reset password
4.  Logout from the web panel
5.  Download the application from the QRF website support page
6.  Allow “download and installation from third party source” in settings menu
7.  Once installation is done, tap on the app icon on your phone
8.  From the home screen, you will be able to add new veterans

click here to use Website

Steps for Mentors

1.  Go to the following link –
2.  Login with your user-name and password
3.  Once you login, you have access to
*   List of veterans
*   List of mentors
4.  You can see the submission details of veterans
5.  Change password, details of veterans
6.  You can add new mentors to the system.